

发布时间:2018/04/10 01:42

充实而快乐的一天很快就结束了,大家乘坐大巴车离开了训练基地。通过一天的团建培训活动,省眼的职工收获了很多:大家与大自然有了更亲密的接触, 缓解了工作压力,增进了职工之间的了解,提高整体团队协作能力与凝聚力。相信通过此次活动,省眼的员工们一定可以更好的投入到工作中,以自身行动践行“为了人类光明”的誓言。

Team Building & Outward Bound Training of Shandong Eye Hospital Came to a Successful End

On April 7, 2018, to promote communications among employees, strengthen the awareness of teamwork and improve the cohesiveness and fighting capacity, the labor union of Shandong Eye Hospital organized team building activities at the outdoor training base in the southern mountain area. Led by coaches, more than 100 employees completed mountain climbing, team collaborative activities and other training programs. President Weiyun SHI, Vice President Hua GAO and Vice President Ting WANG participated in all the activities together with the staff. Everyone enjoyed the liveliness in the activities. The main site for the activities used to be a military training base and all the coaches are veterans.  

Except for the colleagues on duty, more than a hundred employees in three buses departed in the morning. The journey was filled with smiling faces, happy laughter and cheerful voices.

At the training base, the employees climbed mountains, engaged in culture and knowledge contests and completed many training activities in eight groups. Unconsciously, the close cooperation during the activities has improved the collaborative ability and cohesiveness of the teams.

A fruitful and happy day ended quickly. Everyone leaned a lot from the team building and outward bound training activities. It was not only a great chance for the employees to spend time in nature to relieve work pressure, but also a good time to promote understandings among colleagues. We believe that our workers will have more energy to work harder after this activity and practice the vow of “Strive for Excellence of Human Eyesight” in their daily work.








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