

发布时间:2017/11/18 01:51


2010年8月起,复旦大学医院管理研究所启动全国首家、也是唯一一家《中国医院专科声誉排行榜》和《中国医院排行榜》评选工作以来,已连续第8年发布榜单。复旦版医院排行榜借鉴延续27年的美国best hospital专家评议的方法,充分结合中国的现实国情,采信符合中国国情的权威第三方数据,运用科学严谨的方法进行统计。在榜单评比中,专家调查问卷“声誉评估法”权重占80%,每年的科研论文、科研成果产出占20%。其中,让“最了解情况的同行专家来评选本专科的最佳医院”、让最懂“学科建设的专家”来评医院的“专科声誉”也是复旦版排行榜坚持的原则。

The National Best Specialized Hospital Rankings 2016 has been released, Shandong Eye Institute continues to be among the Top Ten

Recently, the Hospital Management Institute of Fudan University released the National Best Specialized Hospital Rankings 2016, which evaluates the key factors of each hospital including discipline construction, clinical technology, quality of medical treatment and scientific research level. 37 specialties are included, for each specialty, the top ten hospitals and the nominated hospitals are listed. Shandong Eye Institute continues to be among the top ten eye hospitals in China.

Since the Hospital Management Institute of Fudan University started the first and the only evaluation and selection work of “China’s Specialized Hospital Reputation Rankings” and “China’s Hospital Rankings” in China in August 2010, it has released the list for eight consecutive years. The institute has learned from the expert review method of America’s Best Hospital, which has been used for 27 years. Combining with national conditions, the institute adopts authoritative third-party data in line with China’s present conditions to conduct the statistical analysis in a scientific and rigorous way. In the assessment, the “Reputation Evaluation” in the expert questionnaire accounts for 80% and the annual research papers and scientific achievements account for 20%. Hospital Management Institute of Fudan University has adhered to the principles of “inviting the experts in the profession who know the specialty most to evaluate the hospitals” and “inviting the experts who know discipline construction most to evaluate the specialty reputation”.

Shandong Eye Institute (Qingdao Eye Hospital, Shandong Eye Hospital) has been among the Top Ten of the ophthalmic hospital rankings for consecutive eight years, being the only specialized eye hospital of Shandong province that was listed. In the “Regional Specialty Rankings 2016”, Shandong Eye Institute (Qingdao Eye Hospital, Shandong Eye Hospital) ranked fourth in the Ophthalmology Professional Reputation Rankings of Hospitals in Eastern China, being the only specialized eye hospital of Shandong province that was listed.








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