

发布时间:2017/11/24 21:50

1123日,由济南市卫计委、济南日报报业集团主办的第三届“ 最美健康守护者”颁奖大会在龙奥大厦举行。山东省眼科医院眼底病科主任原公强荣获省级“最美健康守护者”称号。市卫计委党委书记、主任马效恩,济南报业集团党委书记、董事长、济南日报社社长孙元文为获奖者颁奖。
经过社会推荐、公众投票、专家评审等环节,择优确定40位正式候选人和4个医护团队,他们都是从数万名医生和护士团队中推选出来的医德高尚、心系患者、恪尽职守、埋头苦干的典型。本次评选活动经过社会推荐、公众投票、专家评审等环节,最终审定“省级最美医生”10名、“省级最美护士” 10名、“市级最美医生”10名、“市级最美护士”10名,最美团队4个。

Gongqiang YUAN, the Head of the Ocular Fundus Disease Department of Shandong Eye Hospital, Selected as a “Provincial Best Health Guardian”


On November 23, the Award Ceremony for the 3rd “Best Health Guardians” hosted by the Health and Family Planning Commission of Jinan Municipality and Jinan Daily Press Group was held at Long'ao Building. Gongqiang YUAN, the head of the Ocular Fundus Disease Department of Shandong Eye Hospital, was selected as one of the “Provincial Best Health Guardians”. Xiaoen MA (the secretary of the party committee of the Health and Family Planning Commission of Jinan Municipality and director of the Health and Family Planning Commission of Jinan Municipality) and Yuanwen SUN (the secretary of the party committee and chairman of Jinan Press Group, the president of Jinan Daily) presented the awards.

The selection has attracted much attention from the citizens of Jinan and the involved hospital also responded actively. The candidates were first selected within hospitals through democratic election and publicizing. The number of all the votes was more than 770,000, setting a record.

After recommendations from society, public vote and expert review, 40 formal candidates (10 “Provincial Best Doctors”, 10 “Provincial Best Nurses”, 10 “Municipal Best Doctors”, 10 “Municipal Best Nurses”) and 4 medical teams (4 Best Teams), who are the typical examples of the hardworking medical staff with noble medical ethics and warm hearts for patients, were selected from thousands of doctors and nurses.

Xiaoen MA: The 3rd selection of the “Best Health Guardians” has attracted much attention from all walks of life. The winners in the selection are advanced models in the profession. They have showed the spirits of medical workers to the society through their actions and touching stories, so they fully deserve the honorary title of the “Best Health Guardians”. I would like to offer my congratulations to the award-winning persons and teams.

We hope all the medical workers may follow the examples of the “Best Health Guardians”, develop the spirit of the health and family planning profession and try to be a loyal guardian for people’s health.










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